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if( location.hostname !== 'store.steampowered.com' )
alert( 'Run this code on the Steam Store!' );
else if( typeof jQuery !== 'function' )
ShowAlertDialog( 'Fail', 'This page has no jQuery, try homepage.' );
else if( document.getElementById( 'header_notification_area' ) === null )
ShowAlertDialog( 'Fail', 'You have to be logged in.' );
var freePackages =
6328, // ProtoGalaxy

9, // Bloodline Champions
21290, // Dragon Nest
21291, // Americas Army 3
21292, // Global Agenda
21293, // Tribes: Ascend
21294, // Forsaken World
21295, // Rusty Hearts
21296, // CrimeCraft GangWars
21297, // Stronghold Kingdoms
21298, // Tactical Intervention
21299, // HOMEFRONT Demo
21300, // Spiral Knights
21301, // Puzzle Pirates
21302, // A.V.A - Alliance of Valiant Arms
21303, // Super Monday Night Combat
21304, // Age of Empires Online
21305, // Pandora Saga: Weapons of Balance
21306, // War Inc. Battlezone
21307, // Memoir 44 Online
21308, // MicroVolts Surge
21309, // Brawl Busters
21310, // Neverwinter
21311, // APB Reloaded
21312, // Fallen Earth
21313, // World of Battles
21314, // Realm of the Mad God
21315, // Magic: The Gathering � Tactics
21316, // PoxNora
21317, // EverQuest II
21318, // Americas Army: Proving Grounds Beta
21319, // EverQuest Free-to-Play
21320, // Gotham City Impostors: Free To Play
21321, // Archeblade
21322, // Moon Breakers
21323, // Loadout
21324, // War of the Immortals
21325, // RaceRoom Racing Experience
21326, // Bullet Run
21327, // Star Conflict
21328, // Vindictus
21329, // Combat Arms
21330, // Mabinogi
21331, // Dungeon Fighter Online
21332, // Atlantica
21333, // Arctic Combat
21334, // C9
21335, // The Lord of the Rings Online�
21336, // Super Crate Box
21337, // Dwarfs F2P
21338, // ROSE Online
21339, // Dungeon Party
21340, // Dungeonland
21341, // PlanetSide 2
21342, // Frontline Tactics
21343, // The Banner Saga: Factions
21344, // Football Superstars
21345, // District 187
21346, // Champions of Regnum
21347, // Uncharted Waters Online
21348, // RIDGE RACER� Driftopia
21349, // Construct 2 Free
21350, // Warframe
21351, // Ragnarok Online 2
21352, // March of War
21353, // War Thunder
21354, // Shadow Warrior Classic (1997)
21355, // Arcane Saga Online
21356, // Pinball Arcade
21357, // Path of Exile
21358, // Panzar
21359, // Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Phantoms - NA
21360, // Dragon Nest Europe
21361, // Dragons and Titans
21362, // Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Phantoms - EU
21363, // Fiesta Online
21364, // Thinking with Time Machine
21365, // Fiesta Online NA
31606, // Magic 2015 Demo Steam Store and Retail Key
33980, // World of Guns // (unaddable – sub 0)
34295, // La Tale
35341, // Steam Sub 35341 // Dark Blood
35650, // EVGA Precision X
41518, // Steam Sub 41518 (GAR Default store package)
42551, // Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf - Soundtrack
42558, // Steam Sub 42558 // Royal Quest
42889, // Dusty Revenge - Almost Human
43316, // Only If
43716, // Face of Mankind
44226, // Robocraft
44986, // Grand Chase
45117, // Quantum Rush Online
45123, // Unturned
45217, // Cakewalk Loop Manager
45660, // Defiance
45705, // Floating Point
45767, // Velvet Sundown
45800, // CRYENGINE - Sample Assets
45946, // Reversion: The Escape
46138, // March of War // (unaddable – sub 0)
46481, // Firefall
46682, // Star Trek Online
46693, // OMSI 2 - AI-Articulated Bus for Vienna
47144, // Warface
47235, // Steam Sub 47235 (The Expendabros)
47267, // Champions Online - Free for All
47333, // Aura Kingdom
47466, // Heroes & Generals
47514, // Sunrider
47669, // Xam
47670, // Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms - EU: Assault Starter Pack FREE
47673, // Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms - NA: Assault Starter Pack FREE
47674, // Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms - EU: Support Starter Pack FREE
47675, // Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms - NA: Support Starter Pack FREE
47676, // Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms - EU: Recon Starter Pack FREE
47677, // Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms - NA: Recon Starter Pack FREE
47709, // The Forgotten Ones
48316, // Dead Island Epidemic Free Access
48901, // Nosgoth Base Game Default Package
48909, // Marvel Heroes // (unaddable – sub 0)
48959, // Saira
48998, // Amazing World
49027, // Rise of Incarnates Beta
49298, // Team Fortress 2 - Free On-Demand
49307, // Dota 2 - Free On-Demand // (unaddable – sub 0)
var loaded = 0,
total = freePackages.length,
modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Executing...', 'Please wait until all requests finish.' );
for( var i = 0; i < total; i++ )
action: 'add_to_cart',
sessionid: g_sessionID,
subid: freePackages[ i ]
function( data )
if( loaded === total )
ShowAlertDialog( 'All done!', 'Enjoy.' );
modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Executing...', 'Loaded ' + loaded + '/' + total );
if( loaded === total )
ShowAlertDialog( 'All done!', 'Enjoy.' );
modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Executing...', 'Loaded ' + loaded + '/' + total );